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Eduphoria Proctoring FAQ

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Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about using Eduphoria for testing.

Can my students access Eduphoria tests from home or other classes?

Yes, students can access Eduphoria tests outside of class if the test is left running or made available before they should have access. To prevent this, you can make the test unavailable at the end of each class period, even if testing will continue on another day. When students return, you can easily make the test available again—either to all students or selected ones—by using the Show/Hide Students dropdown. This ensures students can only access the test while under your supervision.

Can you tell me more about the Lockdown Browser?

A test in Eduphoria can either have the Lockdown Browser setting turned on for everyone or off for everyone.  If the Lockdown Browser has been enabled, your students will have to use it.  If it is not enabled, it is unavailable.

Students who have speech-to-text as an accommodation cannot test using the lockdown browser as it blocks this accommodation from accessing the test. These students’ names should not be checked when you administer a test with the Lockdown Browser.  

Students are often capable of finding new and inventive ways around the Lockdown Browser.  It should never be used in place of active monitoring.

I need to test across more than one day, is that okay?

Yes, you can test across multiple days if that works for you, your students, and the rules for that test.

Here is what you should know:

  • You should make the test available to students only when they are in the classroom.  Make the test unavailable when they leave the classroom.  (Check out the image on page 1.)

  • At the end of the session, students who are still working should simply log out of Eduphoria by clicking the “Exit Test” button at the top right of their screen.  Students should NOT submit a test that they are not finished taking.

  • When you are ready to begin the next testing session, make the test available again. (Check out the image on page 1.)

  • If you have a student who accidentally submitted their test instead of exiting, you can “Reopen” the test for the student.  (Only the teacher can reopen assessments; this cannot be done by administrators.)

  • If you are testing in multiple sessions, ensure that none of these settings are turned on:

    • If you have the Lockdown Browser enabled, make sure the “Student Must Submit Test to Exit Lockdown Browser” is toggled OFF.

    • Make sure the “Prevent tests from being reopened in Test Proctoring after student submission” setting is toggled OFF.

  • If a student never returns to finish the test, you have the choice to either:

    • Do Nothing: the test will never be completed and no score will be reported.

    • End Test: this will force submit the test. This will submit the test as if the student had submitted the test upon completion.

Are tests time stamped so I will know when and how long the student spent testing?

Tests in Eduphoria are not time stamped.  This is not currently possible.

There are data fields called “Active Time” and “Elapsed Time” available after testing.

Here is what those fields indicate:

  • Elapsed Time: the total amount of time the student was logged into the test in minutes and seconds.

  • Active Time: the total amount of time the student was logged into the test and was “active”.  Students are active when they move the mouse, type, click, or scroll.  Tests do not go “inactive” immediately.  

The active time may be shorter than the elapsed time if the student stops interacting with the screen to work on scratch paper, to read, to use their calculator, or to take a break.  A difference in the times is in no way an indicator that the student was not testing appropriately–only active monitoring can provide that information.

Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or issues, please submit a helpdesk ticket in Eduphoria. Here are the steps to complete your helpdesk ticket: How to Report A Problem in Eduphoria

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