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Full Time Employees View-It Request

View-It Permissions have expiration dates and must be requested/reinstated from time to time.

Campus Principals CANNOT approve access for their employees to another Campus. Please have the Principal at the campus you need access to submit this request on your behalf.

  1. Open your Eduphoria App from SSO and click on Formspace.

  1. Click Submit New Form in Lower Left.

  2. Click on the Technology: Access Request Category.

  1. Then click on “View-It Full-Time Employee Access Request” to open the form.

  1. In Section 1, choose the type of request needed, select the employees HR designate campus/department, and fill in each required field.

  1. In Section 2, Answer ALL questions and enter the principal or Department Director/Coordinator’s name at the campus/department you are requesting access to.

  1. In Section 3; select the requested type of access, (We will need the specific permissions needed from the “http link at top of this form” if copy is not selected.)

  • add any “Additional Information” under “Other” for specific requests.

  • Click Submit Form.

    • Campus employee requests will be automatically routed to employee’s HR designated home campus principal. (they cannot approve access to another campus)

    • District level employee forms will be reviewed and sent to District Coordinator for approval.


Choosing “Copy User Access” requires the name of a current campus/department employee to be entered under “Other” that has been approved by campus Principal or Department Coordinator.

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