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Using Town Halls in Microsoft Teams

A Microsoft Team Town Hall will be the replacement for a Zoom Webinar. Town Halls are a one-to-many event and can host up to 10,000 participants in a high-quality manner.

Schedule a Town Hall When:

  • You’re hosting a large-scale event.

  • You need high-quality content sharing or streaming capabilities.

  • The experience is mostly consumption-based for attendees.

  • You’re providing extensive coverage of an event (up to 30 hours).

Attendee Experience

  • Focus stays primarily on presenters and shared content while attendees watch.

  • By default, attendee cameras and mics will be turned off when they join a town hall.

  • Attendees can still engage through other apps and services, like Q&A, where they can post or respond to questions during the event.

  • Live translated captions are available for attendees in up to six languages.

After the Town Hall

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