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How to Request Technical Help on Campus

Eduphoria Help Desk Tickets

  1.  Log into your CISD SSO and find the Eduphoria App.  


  1. Click Helpdesk 


  1. In the bottom left corner click Create a New Request

  1. Select from the menu options for Technical Support.

Most Program Access requests must be submitted in Formspace and not a Helpdesk ticket.

User Account Assistance is for Login Issues.

Software Applications or Programs Assistance are used for Eduphoria issues etc.

  1. After you select the appropriate option and complete the form, your assigned Campus Technician or District Network Technician will be notified.

If your issue is related to Strive or you receive an electronic signature error, try updating your Eduphoria profile. You can find more information here Updating your Eduphoria Account Profile

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