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Reasons Why You Can Not Register for PD in Strive

A summary of reasons you may be unable to register for Professional Development in Strive.

4 Reasons You Are Unable to Enroll in PD

  1. The course is full.

If the course is full, you will see Join Waitlist instead of Enroll, and the Course Details window will display the current status.


  1. Registration for the course may be closed or cancelled

  1. You do not meet the criteria set by the instructor for the course.

  1. Administration Lock – If you're unable to enroll in any PD courses, it means your profile is locked. The Enroll button will be grayed out for all courses, and you will see the following message under the course details: You have been administratively locked from registering for courses.

    To resolve this, submit an Eduphoria - Unlock Locked Strive Account request through Formspace. Once your principal or supervisor approves the request, it will be processed.


Strive accounts are automatically locked after a third accumulated absence. You can check which courses you’ve been marked absent from by viewing your portfolio in the My Professional Learning section. Note that absences from previous school years are not displayed but still count toward your total.

Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or issues, please submit a helpdesk ticket in Eduphoria. Here are the steps to complete your helpdesk ticket: How to Report A Problem in Eduphoria

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