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Eduphoria Housekeeping Tips

These tips are for Aware, Strive, Strive Professional Development, and Forethought.


Archiving Teacher and Team Tests

  1. Archive a Teacher Test:

    1. Select the test.

    2. Change the status to Archived.

  2. Archive a Team Test:

    1. Select the test.

    2. Change the status to Archived.


Reminder: For Conroe ISD, all campus test titles must follow the assessment naming guidelines: the campus name should always be listed first in the title.


Completing and Reflecting on Professional Goals

  1. Complete/Reflect on Professional Goals:

    1. Finalize your reflections on current year goals.


  1. Copy Goals to the Next Year:

    1. Select the goal.

    2. Click on “Copy to New Goal”.

    3. Set the dates for the upcoming school year to ensure goals are not archived with the current year.


Important: Once goals are archived, they cannot be copied.


Portfolio Management and Summer PD Registration

  1. Complete Your Portfolio:

    1. Ensure all workshop requirements are met. For any workshop questions, contact the course instructor.

  2. Save/Print Certificates:

    1. Download and print certificates for each completed workshop to maintain accurate records.

  1. Register for Summer PD:

    1. Review the “Courses” section and register for summer professional development opportunities.

  1. Unlock Locked Accounts:

    1. If your account has been administratively locked, submit the Eduphoria-Unlock Locked Strive Account access form in Eduphoria Formspace.

  2. Additional Resources:

    1. Refer to the Navigating Strive as a Teacher guide for step-by-step assistance with most tasks listed here.


Planner Sharing and Team Updates

  1. Manage Sharing Access:

    1. Review who currently has access to your planner.

    2. “Unshare” your planner with teachers who no longer need access.

  2. Request Unsharing from Others:

    1. If you no longer need access to another teacher’s planner, request that they stop sharing it with you.

  3. Update Team Planners:

    1. Add or remove members as needed.

    2. Important: Removing all members will delete the Team Planner.

  4. Remove Access for Departed Staff:

    1. Submit a Helpdesk Ticket in Eduphoria if a teacher who is no longer employed in the District is still sharing their plans with you.

Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or issues, please submit a helpdesk ticket in Eduphoria. Here are the steps to complete your helpdesk ticket: How to Report A Problem in Eduphoria

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