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Navigating Studio

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Canvas Studio is a tool that enables users to manage and interact with media files, such as videos and audio, within the Canvas platform. It offers a variety of features, including embedding media in courses, media editing, analytics, and captioning. Users can access Canvas Studio through Global Navigation Menu.

The My Library page in Canvas Studio serves as your central hub for media management. It displays:

  • Navigation Toolbar for quick access to different areas.

  • Search and Create buttons for locating or adding new media.

  • Filtering options to help organize your media library.

Media is displayed as preview tiles, with icons indicating specific features such as captions (caption icon) or video quizzes (quiz icon).


The Navigation Toolbar, located at the top of every page in Canvas Studio, includes:

  • Home: Returns you to the My Library page.

  • Shared with Me: Displays all media shared with you.

  • Course Collections: Shows your course-specific media.

  • Settings: Allows you to manage groups, conferences, integrations, and personal captioning settings.


Canvas Studio makes it easy to organize and find your media with these options:

  • Sort by: Use the drop-down menu to sort media by name.

  • Filter by: Choose to filter media by collection, file, or captioning status.

  • Search: Click the search icon to quickly find specific media.

  • Add Collection: Create a new collection to better organize your media.


To add new media:

  • Click the Create button to upload media via screen capture, webcam, or file upload.


To edit existing media:

  • Click the Options icon next to the media item. This will provide editing options such as creating video quizzes, annotating videos, and managing captions.


To view media:

  • Click the media thumbnail to open and interact with the media file.


To manage media:

Tabs give you access to the following options:

  • Details: View metadata and information about the media.

  • Comments: View and manage comments on the media.

  • Viewership Insights: Access analytics on media engagement.

  • Captioning: Request automatic captions or manage existing ones.


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