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Course Management

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Canvas Housekeeping Tips

Canvas Housekeeping Tips

Canvas Before School Starts Housekeeping Tips

Canvas End-of-Year Housekeeping Tips

Canvas Summer Housekeeping Tips


Importing Course Content

Importing Specific Content into a Canvas Course

Canvas Cross-List/Rename Courses Tool

Enabling LockDown Browser in Canvas

Preparing Your Assessment for LockDown Browser

New Features of Canvas Studio Capture

How to Share Content and View Shared Course Content

View and Manage Your Course Notifications

Add an External RSS Feed to an Announcement

Adding TEKS to Your Canvas Course


Adding An Assignment in Your Course

Google Assignments

What is a Google Assignment

Creating a Google Assignment

Converting Google Cloud Assignments to a Google Assignment


New Quizzes

Creating a New Quiz

Build your New Quiz

Classic Quizzes

Migrate a Classic Quiz to a New Quiz

Import/Copy a Classic Quiz to a New Quiz

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