Record a Screen Capture Video in Studio

Canvas Studio Capture is a built-in screen recording tool for users with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers only. For other browser types, you will need to download and use Screencast-o-Matic. This feature allows you to record your screen without needing third-party software.
If you encounter errors with screen sharing, check your browser settings to ensure screen recording is enabled.
How to Access Canvas Studio Capture
Open Canvas Studio Capture:
Click the Create dropdown menu, and then select Studio Capture.

To enable Screen Capture, click the Enabled link in the Screen Capture dropdown.

Screen Sharing Options
Share Browser Tab
Select the Tab option to share the contents of a browser tab.
Choose the tab you want to share from the list.
Optionally, toggle Share tab audio to include audio in the screen share.
Click Share to begin sharing the tab (Note: this does not start the recording).

Share Browser Window
Select the Window option to share a browser window.
Click the Window Preview tile to select the window.
Click Share to begin sharing the window (Note: this does not start the recording).

Share Entire Screen
Select the Entire Screen tab to share your whole screen.
Choose the screen to share (if multiple screens are available).
Click Share to begin sharing the screen (Note: this does not start the recording).

Enable Picture-in-Picture (Webcam)
If sharing the entire screen, you can enable your webcam for a picture-in-picture display.
Click Yes when prompted to open the webcam display.
Move or resize the webcam window as needed by dragging or resizing the window.
To close the webcam window, click the Close icon.

Recording Controls
Start Recording
Click the Start Recording button to begin capturing your screen and webcam (if enabled).

Pause Recording
To pause your recording, click the Pause button. Both screen and webcam recordings will pause.
If you paused the recording, click Continue to resume or Finish to stop the recording.

Review and Save Recording
Preview: Click Play to review your recording.
Navigate: Slide the cursor along the timestamp bar to jump to specific parts of the video.
Rename: Enter a title for your recording in the Title field.
Delete: Click Start Over if you want to delete the recording and begin a new one.
Save: Click Save Media to save your recording.

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