Share Content to Commons in Canvas

You can share assignments, modules, quizzes, pages, discussions, and courses from Canvas to Commons. The steps for sharing assignments, modules, quizzes, pages, or discussions are similar, with variations in accessing features through Course Navigation and using the Settings icon on Index and Details pages. The examples in this guide demonstrate how to share an assignment to Commons.
Sharing a Resource to Commons
Open the course where the content you are wanting to share from is located. In Course Navigation, click the feature area link where your resource is located.

Find the resource you'd like to share on the feature area page, click the Options icon, and then select the Share to Commons link.

When sharing a resource, you can:
Select a sharing option based on your preferences.
Choose a content license from the Copyright and Licenses drop-down menu. If necessary, you can add additional licensing, copyright, or usage information by clicking the Add Additional Information link.
Enter resource metadata and add an optional thumbnail image.
Select the appropriate grade level(s) using the sliders or dropdown menus.
Once you're finished, click the Share button to share the resource.
It may take up to 30 minutes to process a resource. Resource previews are not available while the resource is processing.

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